Events & Workshops

For the Love of Animals online course

Anna B

A journey into living more in love, strengthening conscious connection with the web of life and rediscovering the joy of becoming present and alive to our community of non-human brothers and sisters.

Read the full course description here.

Available now: sign up whenever suits you and enjoy access for six months from registration date.

This course is: 
- a call to open your heart more than ever before
- an invitation to put your love for animals into action
- an opportunity to enhance your ability to commune with the rest of the natural world

Watch this brief overview or enjoy a longer webinar that discusses some key topics.

This exciting collaboration is led by animal communicator, Anna Breytenbach, and spiritual teacher, Brad Laughlin who guide you through six pre-recorded video lessons to enjoy in your own time. Also included are downloadable home practice support materials and three audio guided meditations.



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Anna is not available for any new workshop requests or speaking engagements as she focuses on current projects and pro bono wildlife work.